Why Choose A Solar + EV Charging PPA?
With environmental impact and sustainability becoming an increasingly pressing concern for many congregations, solar plus electric vehicle (EV) charging can provide even more benefits beyond just cost savings. Churches, temples, mosques, and synagogues can take advantage of solar plus EV charging through a solar PPA, enabling them to access these benefits without any upfront costs.
Religious buildings are often excellent candidates for solar plus EV charging, as they often have ample roof space or large parking lots where a covered parking array could be installed, providing not only clean energy but also electric charging stations for congregants. One of the major challenges that churches face when considering solar plus EV charging is that, as non-profit organizations, they are ineligible to monetize tax benefits that commercial or residential entities receive. However, with a PPA, the savings that private companies such as SCF receive are passed on to the non-profit through significantly lower electricity costs over the term of the agreement (15-30 years).
SCF has partnered with a wide range of religious institutions to implement solar plus EV charging projects at churches, temples, schools, gymnasiums, campuses, and houses of worship. As a company well-versed in the importance of environmental stewardship and sustainability initiatives for congregations and HOW members, SCF is an ideal partner for HOW leadership, providing access to affordable, clean energy and electric vehicle charging.
Why Religious Institutions Choose SCF
Understanding the HOW decision-making process, finances & financial documents, and working around programs on site, are all important considerations made by SCF’s religious institution partners when implementing solar plus electric vehicle (EV) charging projects. SCF works with a wide range of engineers to design and accommodate the specific edifices and landscapes of religious institutions, ensuring that installations add a unique and irreplaceable component to the congregations/membership as well as the communities they are a part of, including electric vehicle charging stations for congregants.
With over 25 solar plus EV charging projects already completed, SCF’s religious institution partners are not only saving money on monthly electric bills, but also providing electric vehicle charging services for congregants. These cost savings can be redirected to support great causes and grow membership, while also promoting clean energy and sustainable practices within the communities served by these religious institutions.
Benefits of solar for religious institutions:
SCF recently financed a 158 kW solar array for St. Mark’s Catholic Church in San Carlos, California. St. Mark’s leveraged a no-money-down Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with immediate savings while also benefiting from two solar car-ports shading over 50 parking spots in its lot. Over the length of the term, the church is expected to save over $3 million, offsetting over 80% of its previous utility consumption.

The SCF Suite
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As project parameters are input, documents & agreements can be auto populated, allowing for immediate download & use.
- Sales docs
- Term Sheets
- PPAs
- Diligence Checklist
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