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Harnessing the Sun: Golf Courses Embrace Solar Power and Electric Vehicles

Golf courses are renowned for their expansive green landscapes, scenic beauty, and commitment to membership. As environmental concerns and the need for renewable energy solutions continue to grow, golf courses around the world are taking a proactive approach to reduce their carbon footprints. One innovative strategy gaining momentum is the adoption of solar through power purchase agreements (PPAs), battery storage, and electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. In this blog post, we will explore how golf courses can benefit from this combination without spending any capital and why it’s a hole-in-one for the environment & their bottom line. 

Tapping into Renewable Energy

By entering into a solar PPA, golf courses can tap into the abundant power of the sun and transition towards sustainability. Installing solar panels on large open spaces such as  rooftops, unused land, and parking lots can generate a significant amount of clean energy. The solar PPA model allows golf courses to partner with solar energy providers who develop, install, finance and maintain the solar systems. In return, the golf course agrees to purchase the solar energy generated at a predetermined rate, typically 10%+ lower than utility rates. 

Reducing Energy Costs

One of the most significant advantages of solar PPAs is the potential for substantial cost savings. Golf courses are  energy-intensive operations, requiring significant amounts of electricity to power irrigation systems, clubhouses, lighting, and  equipment. By switching to solar energy, golf courses can significantly reduce their electricity bills and lock in predictable energy costs over the long term. The savings generated from solar PPAs can be reinvested into course improvements, enhancing the overall golfing experience. 

Leveraging Battery Storage

Integrating battery storage with solar power systems enhances the benefits and reliability of the renewable energy solution. Batteries allow golf courses to store excess solar energy generated during the day for use during peak demand periods or when sunlight is limited, such as during inclement weather or at night. This helps golf courses reduce their reliance on the grid and further lower their electricity costs. Additionally, battery storage systems provide backup power in case of grid outages, ensuring uninterrupted operations and enhancing the overall resilience of the facility. 

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

As the world transitions towards electric transportation, installing EV charging stations on golf courses can bring multiple advantages. Firstly, it caters to the growing number of golfers and visitors who drive electric vehicles, offering them a convenient charging solution while they enjoy their time on the course. This amenity can help attract a wider audience, including environmentally-conscious golfers who appreciate sustainable initiatives. Secondly, golf courses can also benefit from receiving a revenue share from the charging revenue that is generated from members & guests. With a captive membership base, that is rapidly adopting EVs, this revenue share has the potential to grow exponentially. Lastly, some clubs can benefit from  their electric fleets, utilizing EVs and charging infrastructure for their internal operations. By embracing electric mobility, golf courses become key contributors to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector. 

Enhancing Environmental Stewardship

Golf courses hold a unique position as custodians of vast landscapes, and their commitment to environmental stewardship is vital. Adopting solar PPAs with battery storage and EV charging stations showcases a proactive approach towards sustainable practices. It reduces reliance on fossil fuels, minimizes carbon emissions, and contributes to the overall fight against climate change. By embracing renewable energy solutions and electric mobility, golf courses can inspire others and show a commitment to sustainability goals.


The marriage of solar power purchase agreements, battery storage, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure offers numerous benefits for golf courses. It provides a reliable and cost-effective source of clean energy, reduces carbon emissions, and enhances the facility’s overall sustainability. By embracing renewable energy and supporting electric transportation, golf courses can position themselves as leaders in environmental stewardship while reaping financial rewards. The transition to solar power and electric mobility is a winning strategy that will help golf courses show membership a true commitment to community & environment.