
ETB Dashboard Place it 1

17 Aug: Energy Toolbase Integration Q&A

Sustainable Capital Finance (SCF) has recently launched an exciting new partnership with Energy Toolbase as the newest financing integration partner on the ETB Developer platform, a partnership that will enable ETB Developer users to quickly generate Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) financing quotes for commercial and industrial (C&I) and non-profit solar + storage projects directly from the platform, utilizing SCF’s industry-leading PPA solution. 


30 Jun: Electric Vehicle Charging for Commercial Real Estate & REITs

Electric vehicles are expected to explode in popularity over the next decade, ushering in a race to meet the growing demand for fast-charging stations. With 1.6 million electric vehicles already on the roads in America, and 18 million more expected to be purchased in the next 10 years, there is an incredible amount of opportunity for commercial real estate entities to get ahead of the curve in installing fast-charging stations.